Módulo de sistema de archivos Node.js

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Abra un archivo y envíe el contenido:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('demofile.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;

Definición y uso

El módulo Sistema de archivos proporciona una forma de trabajar con el sistema de archivos de la computadora.


La sintaxis para incluir el módulo Sistema de archivos en su aplicación:

var fs = require('fs');

Métodos del sistema de archivos

Method Description
access() Checks if a user has access to this file or directory
accessSync() Same as access(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
appendFile() Appends data to a file
appendFileSync() Same as appendFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
chmod() Changes the mode of a file
chmodSync() Same as chmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
chown() Changes the owner of a file
chownSync() Same as chown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
close() Closes a file
closeSync() Same as close(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
constants Returns an object containing constant values for the file system
createReadStream() Returns a new stream object
createWriteStream() Returns a new writeable stream object
exists() Deprecated. Checks if a file or folder exists
existsSync() Same as exists(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous. This method is NOT deprecated
fchmod() Changes the mode of a file
fchmodSync() Same as fchmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fchown() Changes the owner of a file
fchownSync() Same as fchown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fdatasync() Syncronizes a file with the one stored on the computer
fdatasyncSync() Same as fdatasync(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fstat() Returns the status of a file
fstatSync() Same as fstat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fsync() Syncronizes a file with the one stored on the computer
fsyncSync() Same as fsync(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
ftruncated() Truncates a file
ftruncatedSync() Same as ftruncated(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
futimes() Change the timestamp of a file
futimesSync() Same as futimes(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lchmod() Changes the mode of a file, for Mac OS X
lchmodSync() Same as lchmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lchown() Changes the owner of a file, for Mac OS X
lchownSync() Same as lchown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
link() Makes an addition name for a file. Both the old and the new name may be used
linksync() Same as link(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lstat() Returns the status of a file
lstatSync() Same as lstat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
mkdir() Makes a new directory
mkdirSync() Same as mkdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
mkdtemp() Makes a new temporary directory
mkdtempSync() Same as mktemp(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
open() Opens a file
openSync() Same as open(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
read() Reads the content of a file
readdir() Reads the content of a directory
readdirSync() Same as readdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
readFile() Reads the content of a file
readFileSync() Same as readFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
readlink() Reads the value of a link
readlinkSync() Same as readlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
realpath() Returns the absolute pathname
realpathSync() Same as realpath(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
rename() Renames a file
renameSync() Same as rename(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
rmdir() Removes a directory
rmdirSync() Same as rmdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
stat() Returns the status of a file
statSync() Same as stat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
symlink() Makes a symbolic name for a file
symlinkSync() Same as symlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
truncate() Truncates a file
truncateSync() Same as truncate(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
unlink() Removes a link
unlinkSync() Same as unlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
unwatchFile() Stops watching for changes on a filename
utimes() Change the timestamp of a file
utimesSync() Same as utimes(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
watch() Watch for changes of a filename or directoryname
watchFile() Watch for changes of a filename
write() Writes buffer to a file
write() Writes data to a file
writeFile() Writes data to a file
writeFileSync() Same as writeFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
writeSync() Same as write(); writes buffer to a file synchronous instead of asynchronous
writeSync() Same as write(); writes data to a file synchronous instead of asynchronous

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